Rae 13th April 2011

Hi son, hope you are all well, I have finally got myself going and when I look at what I have to do it is not as bad as I first thought. Got a couple of exams when I go back but they are quite well spaced out so I should be able to get through them with a little help from you all, of course. I am going to try and finish off my report but I will need to do it round Kyra, every time I start to do something she comes in and it all stops still who cares there is plenty of time to do things when she is not here. I do not know whether to do my shopping today or leave it till later on in the week I should wait till the weekend and do it and then it will all be really fresh. Anyway you are not interested in things like that so I will go and give you peace, love you, mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx