Hey dude, been up since 5 this morning trying to study for my exam on Tuesday so thought I would send you a message just now because I might not have time later. I hope you are all well and happy and still popping in and out of our lives. Claire was at the clinic yesterday and thankfully everything is okay with her and the baby I wont be able to relax until she is here. Please look after them for me, I know I dont need to ask but I just cant think of it as a baby because of what happened with Arran and I feel bad about that but I just cant raise my hopes in case they get knocked again I dont think I could take it again. Still everything seems to be ok and she is due in four weeks so touch wood. All I hope is that they will both be fine and that us on the earth plane and you lot in a happy place can all celebrate together when the baby is born. Take care, have lots of fun, love mum xxxxxxxxxxxx